Let's Meet The Jurassix Sea Shanty Band

Born and bred on The Jurassic Coast in Beer,
Beer was the Smugglers Capital of the South West Circa Late 1700,s
Salt Water runs through my veins, well I have swallowed plenty!!
A carpenter all my Working life, I have always sung or whistled something!!
Took to the stage at the tender age of 10 to sing Edelweiss from the sound of music!!!
Now Happy to be singing Shantys and banging my drum, Just “Singing for the Hell of It”!!!!
I’m the one with HAIR, lots of hair all over, even under the hat. Along with Paul, we’re the ones that have had proper contact with the SEA. I’ve flown over it, under it and on it and I’m working hard on walking on it. I was 26 years in the Royal Navy (Man and Boy, well actually I joined when I was 19 and spent 18years in the Submarine service). Served in Surface ships (Not the 3 masted ones), and enjoyed most of it, the rest was extremely boring.
Originated from somewhere in the middle of England, as far from the sea as you can get. Spent time singing in the Church choir, and a lot of time in the pub singing about the sea, and anything else. Took up windsurfing and spent a lot of time getting dumped in the sea, now prefer to be on a yacht. All of these things combine to make me totally unqualified to sing sea shanties!

Graham generally sees the funny side of life, which is just as well as he spent 35 years working for the telephone company. He started scuba diving at the age of 16, rode horses through his 20’s, became an obsessive windsurfer in his 30’s and had a go at free-diving in his 40’s. While all of this was going on he rode a bike to keep fit and get to the pub. In later life, in an effort to stave off dementia he has taken up singing and dancing…..Oh! and strumming the odd tune on the guitar.
Qualifies as an ’Old Salt’ based on amount of time spent on and under the water.
Married to Ben, I’ve lived in Seaton on the Jurassic Coast for the past 35years now, have always loved singing and painting pictures of the sea, and stood in for absent Jurassixeers so many times that I became a permanent fixture. My Mum was a Wren during the war, and Dad had been a Merchant Seaman and keen Yachtsman, sailing out of Axmouth Harbour till well into his nineties. I did go in a Pedalo at Pontins holiday camp in about 1970…which was enough boating for me.
Mind you, I don’t mind sailing in a gurt big boat with a Cinema in it ….
Spent my early life in the Midlands. A long long way from the sea. Moving to Devon l purchased a small boat , which was great fun providing the winds were force 1 or less.
Supports Man City….nowhere near the sea !!

Love to look at it and be beside it, but if we were meant to be on it or in it we would have been born with gills!
Obviously a shy man of few words !!
I’m the one with the least hair, I blame it on the perm I had when I used to play football in my late teens/early 20’s. I did have a lot of contact with the sea, falling off my surfboard a lot. Found golf in my 30’s, played a lot of links courses where my golf ball often ended up in the sea. Travelled the world to places next to the sea when my career in IT allowed. Now retired in Seaton next to the sea and have discovered sea shanties…Hey Ho !!
I have always loved the sea whether it has been fishing, sailing around the UK, the Mediterranean, or Arabian Gulf and more recently rowing pilot gigs at Lyme Regis. I am at my happiest being at sea or just watching it’s constant movement and I am grateful to be given the opportunity to sing about it and the brave men for whom it was and is their livelihood.

Born in Somerset. Left to Join the Royal Navy at 16. Served 8 years but came out too early, and for the wrong girl. Learnt to sing badly in the RN, mainly with a lot of beer involved. Mostly lived by the sea and sung in some form or other ever since. Hope to learn to sing properly one day.